Muddy Creek Jones - Decor for the curious

http://muddycreekjones.comcameron@muddycreekjones.comClick Here to Open muddycreekjones on EtsyClick Here to Open muddycreekjones on InstagramClick Here to Open muddycreekjones on Facebook

So what is this all about?

I love stumbling across things that are well-designed, beautiful, interesting, unique, cool, humorous, thought-provoking – or all of the above. I like how it’s sometimes hard to explain why something appeals you, but you just know it when you see it.

That’s the Muddy Creek Jones mission – to make things that move people in some way, with a positive vibe.

Right now, in person, we're offering Saturday Market (and Holiday Market) customers unique, elegant laser-engraved candleholders. However — we are working on additional products, so stay tuned! Please visit our Etsy shop to see all of our online offerings...

Thanks for visiting our page!

Contact Info:
Category and Searchable Keywords:
  • Solid wood candleholders
  • Candles
  • Wax votive candle
  • Glass votive holder
  • Laser-engraved
  • Elegant home decor
  • Ambiance
  • Cozy
  • Mood lighting
  • Pine
  • Woodworking

Social Media Accounts:
EtsyClick Here to Open muddycreekjones on Etsy
InstagramClick Here to Open muddycreekjones on Instagram
FacebookClick Here to Open muddycreekjones on Facebook
Recent Attendance & Future Reservations for 2024:
Market NameDate(s)Space #
Saturday Market #204/13/2024243
Saturday Market #304/20/2024219
Saturday Market #404/27/2024241
Saturday Market #505/04/2024311
Saturday Market #605/11/2024242
Saturday Market #705/18/2024199
Saturday Market #1106/15/2024184
Holiday Market Week #211/23-24/2024017
Holiday Market Week #311/29-12/01/2024017
Holiday Market Week #612/21-22/2024052
Holiday Market Week #712/23-24/2024025