Dragon's Breath

Beautiful Bodacious Turquoise


I make beautiful Heirloom Quality Jewelry. Every piece made with attention to detail. Using only high quality Natural materials to make my Jewelry Art ! I want each piece I make to be as beautiful and perfect as possible. While still having the quality of being hand made. Most all of my pieces are hand fabricated. Each piece made one at a time from scratch materials. Made with love as this is truly what I love to do. Built last the test of time. I am excited about my work and enjoy immensely what I am doing.

Contact Info:
Category and Searchable Keywords:
  • Jewelry
  • Gemstone rings
  • Wedding rings
  • rings
  • earrings
  • pendants
  • celtic

Image Gallery:
Recent Attendance & Future Reservations for 2024:
Market NameDate(s)Space #
Saturday Market #104/06/2024196
Saturday Market #404/27/2024196
Saturday Market #605/11/2024196
Saturday Market #705/18/2024196
Saturday Market #906/01/2024196
Saturday Market #1006/08/2024196
Saturday Market #1206/22/2024198
Saturday Market #1306/29/2024198
Saturday Market #1607/20/2024196
Saturday Market #2108/24/2024196
Saturday Market #2409/14/2024196
Saturday Market #2509/21/2024196
Saturday Market #2710/05/2024196
Holiday Market week #111/16-17/2024110
Holiday Market Week #211/23-24/2024110
Holiday Market Week #311/29-12/01/2024110
Holiday Market Week #412/07-08/2024110
Holiday Market Week #512/14-15/2024110
Holiday Market Week #612/21-22/2024110
Holiday Market Week #712/23-24/2024110